Author: Radio Amateur Association of Western Greece - SZ1A

SZ1A in The CQ WW DX CW Contest 2021

Our Participation in the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest 2021 (video)

After the October SSB leg of the Contest, which served as a test and the station did well and without much trouble, we anxiously awaited for the CQ WW CW Contest to try and make […]

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Yuri VE2IM from Zone 2 in CQ WW CW 2021

Written by Yuri Onipko – VE3DZ – VE2IM This time due to work commitments I just couldn’t allow myself to be off the grid for 3-4 days while driving to Zone 2 (which would be […]

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Team SZ1A in CQ World Wide DX SSB Contest 2021

Team SZ1A in the CQ World Wide DX SSB Contest 2021 (video)

We’re Back, Bigger and Better Than Ever! The known fact is that the Pandemic has left us with scars. If nothing else, it divided us into two: those who are vaccinated and those who are […]

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Radio Amateur License exams for the 2nd semester of 2021 in Etoloakarnania Region

With a letter dated 12/10/2021, the Region of Western Greece informed us about the announcement of examinations for the acquisition of Amateur Radio Diplomas for the period 2021 in its area of responsibility. The exams […]

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SZ1A New Gear OM Power OM2000HF Linear Amplifier - YAESU FT-1000MP MARK-V FIELD - MicroHAM MicroKEYER II

We just got Bigger and Better with OM Power, Yaesu and microHAM! (video)

A year has gone by since the destruction caused by the Storm (“Hepheastion”), and finally, we have some amazing news to announce! Maybe it was all the effort and hard work we’ve put into rebuilding […]

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Receive the SZ1A AWARD online with six unique QSOs

In 2016, the idea of the award was born during a meal and discussion, as is usually the case. Following a decision of the Board of Directors, the Radio Amateur Association of Western Greece began […]

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Jamboree On The Air 2020 with SZ1A

Many will wonder, seeing the title, what a Jamboree is. A Jamboree or JOTA (Jamboree on the air) is an international scout activity with the participation of radio amateurs, which takes place every third weekend […]

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2020 Annual General Meeting and Elections

The Board had postponed the elections planned for last March due to the urgent measures for COVID-19. With a new decision, the Annual General Meeting and elections are to be held on Sunday, September 27, […]

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SZ1A new 3rd tower

Rebuild and Upgrade of the 3rd Antenna Tower at SZ1A

You may remember that our 3rd and largest Tower which housed our 40m beam, had fallen victim to an extreme storm. You can read more details of the disaster earlier this year here (Greek) From […]

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SV1DPJ participated in CQ WPX CW 2020 as SZ1A

Vasilis SV1DPJ participated in the CQ WPX CW Contest on the weekend of May 30-31, 2020, with our club station callsign SZ1A in the Single Operator 20m High Power Assisted category. Vasilis managed a very […]

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