2024 CQ WPX RTTY Contest

Dimitris SV1CIB – Team SZ1A Operator during CQ WPX RTTY 2024

The CQ WPX RTTY Contest is a premier amateur radio competition that challenges operators worldwide to demonstrate their proficiency in Radio-Teletype (RTTY) communication. Organized by CQ Magazine, this contest focuses on contacting as many unique prefixes as possible over a 48-hour period, fostering camaraderie and technical skill within the global ham radio community. With its emphasis on RTTY technology and efficient signal decoding, the CQ WPX RTTY Contest attracts participants eager to showcase their operating prowess while promoting the spirit of friendly competition and international exchange. Fostering technical skill and camaraderie within the ham radio community.

Team SZ1A participated in this year’s CQ WPX RTTY contest with a limited entry, acknowledging that we could have achieved a higher score based on our past performances. Nevertheless, our primary focus remains being on-air and engaging in as many contests as possible.

Team Operators were Dimitris SV1CIB, Vasilis SV1DPJ, and for a brief period Antonis SV1ENG. Our team made a valiant effort during the event. Initially planning for a single-band entry, we ultimately competed in the traditional Multi-Single High-Power (MS HP) category.

Antonis – SV1ENG – Team SZ1A Operator in CQ WPX RTTY 2024

Despite having only one full-time operator, we tried our very best and managed to put forth a commendable performance.


However, our efforts were curtailed by a sudden lightning storm during the final hours, forcing us to cease operations prematurely. Despite this, we are grateful to all who called us and eagerly anticipate the next contest.

Until then, best regards and see you on the airwaves! 73’s!

Statistics are viewable as usual here: https://www.qsl.net/…/2024/2024_cq-wpx-rtty_sz1a/index.htm

Vasilis SV1DPJ – Team Operator during CQ WPX RTTY 2024

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