Radio Amateur License exams for the 2nd semester of 2021 in Etoloakarnania Region

With a letter dated 12/10/2021, the Region of Western Greece informed us about the announcement of examinations for the acquisition of Amateur Radio Diplomas for the period 2021 in its area of responsibility.

The exams will be held on October 26, 2021, on Tuesday, in the exam room of candidate drivers of the Transport & Communications Department of the Regional Unit of Etoloakarnania, located at 141 Messolongiou – Aetolikou Street in Messolongi.

Those interested must submit their application by Friday 22-10-2021.

The following supporting documents must be submitted:

The whole decision can be found here…/proki…/item/download/38725.html

Good luck to the candidates!

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