The shack has been rebuilt at 2017. It is a room about 3.5 x 7.5m.
There are 3 desks. Every desk is 2.5 x 0.80m and hosts 2 operating positions. So we have 6 operating positions in total and one more (7) as server and backup.
At this time we have 4 full operational stations while the other 2 are partially completed.
The 1st desk hosts the stations 1 and 2:
The 1st station is devoted to Zorro JH1AJT who is a great donator of our station. This is usually the Run1 station and it has a Yaesu FT1000MKV field, Dunestar BPF600, Microham Microkeyer MkIII, Amplifier OM 2000HF, computer core2 with 2 screens 22″.

The 2nd station is the Inband 1 station and has a Yaesu FT-990 and a homemade interface with a winkeyer for CW. There is an EA4TX AS2X2 antenna switch which gives the run antenna and bpf to inband station when the inband station transmits while the run station gets the inband antennas the same time. Computer is a core2 also and it has a 24″ screen.

The 2nd desk hosts the stations 3 and 4:
The 3rd station is devoted to Marcel ON6UQ (SK). This is a Multiplier station and the right station in a SO2R configuration in the future. The station can work as Run2 station right now as the stations 5 and 6 are partial completed. It has a Yaesu FT1000MKV field, Dunestar BPF600, Microham Microkeyer MkII, Amplifier OM 2000HF, computer core2 with 1 screen 22″.

The 4th station is a Multiplier station and the left station in a SO2R configuration in the future. It has an Icom 756 proII, Microham MkII interface, dunestar BPF monoband filters, Icom PW1 amplifier, computer core2 with 2 screens 19″.

The 3rd desk hosts the stations 5 and 6. Stations 5 and 6 are partial completed and not completely operational at this moment.
The 5th station is the Run2 station and it has a Yaesu Mark V, Dunestar BPF monoband filters (these are manual changed), homemade interface, core 2 computer with 15″ screen. We miss an amplifier here while a better computer and screen is also needed.
The 6th station is the Inband 2 station and it has Kenwood 850SAT, dunestar BPF monoband filters, homemade interface, an EA4TX AS2X2 antenna switch (same with the station 2) and a P4 laptop with 17″ screen.

There is also a Core2 computer which serves also as a server (clusters, serial numbers, control of MOAS II) during the contests and hosts also the rotor interfaces (Rotors are controlled from every computer via the logging software which is Dxlog or N1MM+).
Antennas are switched by a 6×2 homemade antenna switch based in a SJ2W board plus a homemade antenna switch based in OK2ZI boards. Antenna switches are controlled by MOAS II controller so antennas and BPF are changed automatically. One more homemade antenna switch switches RX antennas between 2 radios.

Besides these, there are also:
- a computer with a 40″ screen running the Hamclock
- a homemade dummy load 150W,
- stubs for additional filtering,
- an EA4TX hardware interlock interface,
- three HMD660 headsets,
- a Bencher BY1 paddle plus four 3d printed paddles
- full lightning protection.