The Radio Amateur Association of Western Greece was founded in 1985. We have been participating in contests as a club since 1993, however, it wasn’t until 2009 when we established a permanent location for our club contest station.
At the end of 2009, Municipality of Parakampylia, an area near Agrinio which is the main population area and where RAAWG headquarters are, let use an old school in Kokkinologgos. Kokkinologos (the name means Redforest in Greek) is a small village, with about 50 people, 20Km North of Agrinio.
So we started to build a station. SZ1A was born. RAAWG decided to build the contest station in Redforest. The purpose was double. First to have a station for our members to learn and operate in contests and secondly to promote contesting in Greece. So we decided to offer this place to anyone Greek, or foreign, who wants to operate a contest, for free.
Also we decided to offer our technical experience and everything we build for the contest station, to anyone, along with complete articles on how to do it. We don’t keep any secrets. Instead, we offer our knowledge and know-how for free to anyone.
R.A.A.W.G. is not a big club with big financial recourses and a lot of members. Instead, our finances are very limited. R.A.A.W.G. has donated its equipment, but the contest station needs much more. So we ask everyone to help, by donating money, equipment or work and know-how. Until now, many people and fellow radio amateurs answered our call for donations, and have provided a lot. However, we need more. Don’t forget that what you give to SZ1A, goes to everyone, as everyone is able to come and operate in SZ1A, free of charge!