The SZ1A station has been built by donations. RAAWG has very limited financial resources and can not support this project alone. Thankfully, many members and friends of RAAWG loved the idea to support a project like this: To further ham radio and contesting by creating a station for everyone.
So many friends have offered financial support, new & used equipment, and general purpose & speciality items that we need. Radios, interfaces, Bandpass filters, coax, antennas, lightning arrestors & SPDs, chairs, computers, towers, electric ovens, refrigerators, dish-washers, beds, tables, air-conditioning units, electrical supplies are just some of them.
We want to thank everyone for their donations and support. Below is a list of our Major Sponsors and Donators. Most of them don’t like to disclose the amount they have donated, however they are not οur only sponsors. There are many more who have donated much needed items, small and large such as used electric equipment, or smaller everyday things, and most importantly, their volunteered hard work, time and effort in maintaining and developing the station! We thank them…
Our heartfelt sincere THANK YOU to all that make our dream possible…
Pro.Sis.Tel., founded in 1992, is an expert company that specializes in providing materials, tools, machines, products and services of high quality in the multi-faceted communications sector. Products include their line of commercial grade Big-Boy Rotators, Antennas, Towers, Masts and Homebrew Accessories.
OM Power was founded in 2004 as an initiative of two enthusiastic Slovak ham operators. Since that time OM Power has become a successful and well established company in the production of contest grade high-power RF amplifiers. OM Linear RF PAs can be found on all continents and almost in every country of the world.
Low Band Systems manufacture high performance band pass filters, multiplex filters and antenna components for RX and TX antenna systems. Their top-of-the-line products are used in serious Contest Stations and DX-Peditions world wide. Read the QST March 2017 review of Low Band Systems HF Triplexer and Band-pass Filters here.
SILCOM Telescopic Masts & Antennas, founded by Sotiris Katsimaglis SV1BDO, brings 15 years of experience into engineering Telescopic Masts and Antennas for Maximum Safety, Minimum cost, Easy Installation & Maintenance, Improved Endurance of Materials, Portability and Expandability.
ALLMAST, founded by John Traikos SV1GE, has for 30 consecutive years, constructed quality Aluminum Towers and Products for the Telecom Industry, Public Services, Construction Companies and Individuals. Today, ALLMAST is a member of the ETEM network of certified manufacturers, and ensures unique quality, high levels of functionality, technical excellence, economy and durability of their products.
Pressidium® offers fast, robust, scalable and secure Premium Managed WordPress Hosting for Professionals, with webscale technologies and systems optimized to deliver incredible speed, unparalleled availability and uptime. Pressidium® fully managed WordPress hosting allows businesses to concentrate on their content without worrying about their website infrastructure.
“Ypsotechniki” utilizes more than twenty years of experience providing comprehensive aerial services for work at height, as it is staffed and collaborates with trained technicians who are also certified technical climbers having many years of experience in the field of telecommunications, tower rigging, installation & maintenance, technical work and work at height in Greece and abroad.
AEOLIANELECTRIC, which has it’s roots beginning in 1965, specializes in the field of Electronic and Electrical Goods & Supplies, and, Musical Instruments. The company is a member of the pan-European chain of stores EURONICS and has partnerships with the largest companies in the field, in addition to a constantly growing online presence.
The SZ1A contest station would be years behind without the people who donated equipment and finances. Everything is made because many fellow hams believed in our project and offered their help and support. Here we mention our fellow friends and colleagues who have made the most significant donations in the form of financial support, donated equipment and volunteered hard work. Still, we also can not begin to count and thank the many members who behind the scenes are real heroes, sacrificing many of their weekends, working to build, repair and maintain the SZ1A Contest Station!
One of our greatest donations, was by famous DXer and DXpeditioner, Zorro Miyazawa JH1AJT (SK). Zorro met us in Mount Athos where we used to maintain Monk Apollo’s antennas. He became a good friend of our team and donated his personal radio, a Kenwood TS 950SDX along with a significant financial donation. RAAWG, recognizing his many achievements, recommended Zorro as a member of the CQ DX Hall of Fame, not only for his donations & support but for his total contribution to ham radio with many DXpeditions, supporting Monk Apollo at Mount Athos and more. Our recommendation was accepted and he is officially listed in the CQ DX Hall of Fame. In Honor of him, we have dedicated Operating Position Nr.1 (Run 1) as the Zorro JH1AJT Station.

One of the first Patrons and Supporters of the station is Vangelis Gkekas SV2BFN. Vangelis is a Well Known Greek Contester and DXpeditioner, member of many major DXexpeditions such as ZK3A (Tokelau Isl.), N8S (Swains Isl.), 3D2R (Rotuma), 8Q7GE, 5W0SV, 3D2FN, and, he has kindly donated a set of Dunestar band pass filters to the station.

Dimitris Lianos SV1CIB is a member of RAAWG and one of our RTTY/SSB/CW operators. Among other items, and a lot of dedication, hard work & free time in maintaining the station and supporting its operation, he has donated a Hygain Exp-14 Antenna and a Hygain HamIV rotator. The rotator is still in use today. Dimitris also grants his YAESU FT-1000 MK-V Field and his voice keyer for use at the station.

Kostas Stamatis SV1DPI, Former President of RAAWG, Honor Roll DXer, Contester, DXpeditioner and member of the EP6T DXpedition to Iran’s Kish Island in the Persian Gulf, and, one of our CW/SSB/RTTY operators has offered significant time, financial support and donated equipment to the station including Dunestar BPFs, Paddles, MicrokeyerII, Antennas & Antenna Equipment, Towers, Coax, and Electrical Appliances.

Vassilis Kontothanasis SV1DPJ, Member of RAAWG and one of our CW/SSB/RTTY operators, has offered significant financial support and equipment, including most of our IT infrastructure, network and computer equipment (servers, ethernet switches, wifi repeaters, UTP cable etc.) which he maintains as the IT Manager of the station, as well as granting a YAESU FT-990 and an Redpitaya SDR for our use.

Thanasis Kapsalis SV1CQK, Electronic Technician, President of RAAWG, BBQ Grill Master, Team Member and soul of the club, has offered his hard work, free time and dedication in maintaining our facilities & infrastructure, supporting contest operations, and, among other items, has also donated critical equipment for the station, much needed berthing furniture, and expensive electrical appliances.

Sotiris Katsimaglis SV1BDO, Former Vice President of RAAWG, our Chief Cook in many contests and one of the Team’s RTTY/SSB operators, is the owner of Silcom Masts & Antennas. He constructed the 20m and 10m Monoband Yagi Antennas, has donated the 15m monoband Yagi Antenna, a Silcom Telescopic Mast and has provided significant financial support to the station.

John Traikos SV1GE, Former President of RAAG and owner of ALLMAST Towers, has operated with us in a number of SSB contests. He has donated a Mosley Pro67b Multi-band beam antenna, a large aluminium tower section for our tower no.1 upgrade project, and significant funds.

Takis Perrotis SV2FWV, Former President of RAAG, Member of RAAWG, former Hellenic Navy Officer, and one of our CW operators, has donated significant funds and equipment including a Cushcraft A3S Multiband Yagi with the 40m kit, which is currently used as one of our inband antennas, and 3 KM of wire for our beverage antennas.

Fotis Papadellis SV8RMA, Dxer and contester who lives in Lesvos island, has donated three Air Conditioning Units which are essential for the station’s nominal operation (HVAC Infrastructure) and Electrical Appliances for the Kitchen Facilities.

Savas Pavlidis SV2AEL / 9H1AE, a Greek Contester and Radio Amateur operator, has provided significant financial donations to our organization, which have helped support the operation and growth of the station and club.

Vasilis “Bill” Vassos SV1BJW, Greek Contester and Radio Amateur, Good Friend of SZ1A and one of our CW operators, has offered significant financial support to our organization.

Dimitris Lambrakopoulos, brother of SV1HKH, who was born in Redforest and now lives in the USA, has offered significant financial support plus much needed berthing furniture because he loves that we are located in his home village, and helps us at every opportunity.

Kostas Karakostas SV1CQN, Honor Roll DXer, one of our CW/SSB operators, one of our Master Welders and Beverage Maintainers, along with his hard work has also often provided financial support, and donated electric appliances for our Kitchen Facilities.

Andrew “Andy” Georgakopoulos SV1DKD, co-owner of Pressidium®, Member of RAAWG, Experienced Contester and DXer, and one of our CW/SSB operators, is responsible for maintaining our Website & its Infrastructure, which is kindly donated by his company, and he has also offered significant financial support every time we need it. While he has also donated much needed equipment including a brand new Microkeyer-III and our new Lightning Surge Protection equipment.

George Sofronas SV1ELF, Member of RAAWG, great Low Band DXer, Electronics Expert and one of our CW/SSB operators, has spent countless hours constructing and assembling many of our homebrew projects, and often performs much needed electronic maintenance & repair of our equipment. While he also has donated many items, and, significant funds every time we are in need, supporting our operation and growth.

Costas J. Dovas SV4FFL, Member of RAAWG, Contester, DXer and one of our CW operators, has offered significant financial support to our organization, and, has donated much needed Ferrites of type Mix-31 for our station operations.

Jozef “Jef” Claes ON4ACA / DD2CW, a Belgian Radio Amateur who lives in Germany, DXpeditioner and member of the TX5K DXpedition to Clipperton Island, Known Contester and Operator of SI9AM, and a new good friend of SZ1A, has facilitated the purchase of an excellent new OM Power Linear HF Amplifier for our station, and, has donated a much needed Yaesu FT-1000 MK-V Field HF Radio, and, a Microkeyer II in memory of his dear friend Marcel “Cel” Sterkens ON6UQ (SK). In Honor of his extraordinarily kind gesture, we have dedicated Operating Position Nr.3 (Run 2) as the Marcel ON6UQ Station.

Cliff Sakalis SV1JG, Well Known Contester, Honor Roll DXer, DXpeditioner and member of major DXpeditions such as SV1JG/A from Mount Athos, VP6DX (Ducie Isl.), YK9SV (Arwad Is.) and 8Q7SV (Maldives) as well as many IOTA Activations on rare Greek Islands. He was for many years an ARRL Card Checker, is a member of RAAWG and one of our CW/SSB operators, and, he has provided significant financial support and donated items to our organization.

Stathis Maliakis SV5DKL lives in Rhodes Island and is one of the most well known and experienced Greek contesters, and one of our team’s CW/RTTY operators, provides our team with contest strategy & technique coaching, and, supports almost every new project with significant financial donations.

Panagiotis “Panos” Klimis SV8PMM lives in Aegina Island, and loves DX and Contesting. He is one of our team’s SSB operators, and besides the tons of peanuts from Aegina he supplies us in every contest, he has also made significant financial donations in support of our organization.

Giannis Martsoukakis SV1PMQ, DXer, Flora & Fauna and IOTA activator, Member of RAAWG, and one of the team’s SSB operators, has donated furniture for the shack and the station’s facilities, and, has offered his significant financial support.

Vasilis Koukoutsis SV1JMC, DXer, Member of RAAWG, one of our SSB/RTTY/CW operators, and one of our Official Tower Climbers. Aside from his hard work in antenna & tower maintenance he has donated much needed equipment including a voice keyer and a computer, and helped us with financial support every time we need to build something.

Ioannis Rizos SV1CQR, Member of RAAWG, Honor Roll DXer and part of the SZ1A team, has donated electrical appliances for our facilities and has donated significant funds in support of our organization.

Gianni Capitanio I7PHH, owner of the well known company, DXer, Contester, DXpedtioner and Good Friend of SZ1A, has operated CW as part of Team SZ1A, and has donated a PST248VF multiband vertical antenna for the station.

Garo Molozian G0PZA, Contester, DXer, Avid CW Op, Member of RAAWG, a Good Friend and Advocate of our project, has operated CW as part of Team SZ1A, and has offered significant financial support & donations to our organization.

Tony Stefanov LZ1JZ, DXer, Contester, Member of the LZ5R Contest Team, Famous QSL printer, a Good Friend of ours, has operated as part of Team SZ1A, and has made many QSL cards for us for free in support of our organization.

Kostas Gournelos SV1CQG, one of the oldest Members of SZ1A, Former Vice President, Team Member, has provided his invaluable help and hard work countless times, and is one of the souls of SZ1A. He constantly supports contest operations and has donated Electrical and IT Equipment, and significant funds many times.

Apostolos “Tolis” Kavalieris SV1UK, Founding Member, Former President of RAAWG, a Greek DXer, a retired Teacher, was the elmer for a lot of new hams offering his guidance and help, has donated significant finances in support of every new project and has donated many other needed items.

Panos Labrakopoulos SV1HKH, Former President of RAAWG, Contester, DXer, Originally from RedForest which is his home village, and one of our Team’s SSB operators and Master Tower Climber. After spending years in the US he returned to Greece and constantly offers his invaluable help including building & maintaining the station’s facilities, antennas, towers & infrastructure, and, his significant financial support to our organization.

Dennis Drakopoulos SV1CDN, Member of RAAWG, and one of our Team’s CW operators, is responsible for maintaining the SZ1A RBN Skimmer, and has also donated significant funds in support of our organization.

Nikos Ploumidakis SV1VS, DXer and a good friend of SZ1A, generously donated two phased 6-element quad beam antennas for the 6-meter band. This contribution allows SZ1A to engage in ‘magic band’ activities.

Chris Sintoris SV6JHA, DXer and Technician, and one of our Team’s SSB operators, has donated much needed equipment including a computer, a battery powered drill and other essential items.
Monk Apollo SV2ASP/A (SK), the famous monk and the only operator from Mount Athos until his death, was our good friend. Many times members of RAAWG helped him maintain his antennas. While, he helped us during our rebuilding, not only with his prayers for all of us and with his friendship, but he also donated much-needed coax and electrical equipment of significant value to the station.

Michalis “Mike” Krideras SV1RK, Founding member of RAAWG, one of the most well known DXCC Honor Roll Greek DXers, ARRL Card Checker, Experienced Electrical & Electronics Technician-Specialist, member and avid supporter of our organization. He has repeatedly offered his essential help as well as significant financial support for the needs of the club and the station.

Constantine “Costas” Panagiotopoulos SV1AER, a good friend and member of RAAWG, retired Engineer & Executive of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization & Ministry of Communications, former President of RAAG, and one of the most experienced DXCC Honor Roll Greek DXers. He has donated significant funds for our financial support, with his recent assistance towards the purchase of our station’s High Power BPFs.

Popa Ljubisa YU7EF, Mechanical Engineer, Experienced DXer, Well Known Antenna Designer and Good Friend of SZ1A. Popa has kindly helped support our Antenna Building projects by providing custom designs for some of our Monoband Full-Size Yagi Beam Antennas free of charge.

John Xafakis SV1BJP, Greek DXer and Good Friend of SZ1A has donated much needed supplies for our berthing facilities, allowing us to provide clean and comfortable sleeping & living quarters to our guests.

Dora Kolovou, Mother of our Good Friend, George Kolovos (SK) who sadly has passed away, has donated most of his tools to our organization in memory of her son.

Constantinos Saragkanidas, owner of the Saraganidas Plumbing, Watering and Heating Supplies Company donated needed supplies for the complete renovation of the station’s bathroom facilities.
Ioanna Aravani, Artist, Marketing Expert, Creative Director and Brand Design Manager at Pressidium, is an avid supporter of SZ1A. She has kindly offered her assistance, expertise and designs to cover our various needs, free of charge, and has made wonderful creations for our organization (and for VK2C). We thank her dearly for her beautiful work, and we can’t wait for her next amazing creation for us!

…and of-course there are many others who have donated funds plus a lot of time to make all of these happen. There are many times when friends and colleagues donate smaller amounts to buy materials for an antenna, to make a new tower, to paint the building, etc. Over the years there are so many who have donated their time, equipment and finances that we’ve surely left some out of the list by mistake.
So we ask them to forgive us, and let them know that we are sincerely grateful and truly appreciate every single one of them…